Gorgeous Day

Erin and Sinan got married on one of those perfect Vermont fall days when the sky is as blue as a sky can be, the air is crisp and cool, and the trees are an utter riot of colors which, if used to decorate your kitchen, would be painfully garish, but out in nature does an awful lot of taking of breath – i.e. GORGEOUS!

They were married on the Middlebury Town Green – proof positive that you don’t need to spend a gazillion dollars on a fancy wedding venue.  A few artfully placed pumpkins and mums can pretty much do the trick. Though they did have to push the wedding from 4 to 4:30 so that the previous event – a pig roast – could get cleaned up.  This was doubly important because Sinan is Turkish, and Muslims tend not to go in for pork products.

I had to modify the repeat-after-me vow section, as Sinan’s English is a little rugged, and I can be, admittedly, a little fancy-pants in my writing style.  But I slowed way down in the delivery, knocked it back to a few words at a time, left out as much extraneous verbiage as possible, and, so far as we can tell, still managed to get Sinan promising enough to make it sound like actual marriage vows.

Then, after the ceremony and big group shot, I was heading back to my car, when I saw one of the women from the inn where they were staying peering intently at the ground. Apparently, Erin’s Maid of Honor had dropped her ring on the way to the Green and nobody could find it!  I have no idea whose ring the little Ring Dudes brought to the altar, but Mystery Donor gets double-dog thanks for helping keep Crisis at bay.